Essential Oils for Labor - Which Oils to Use and How

essential oils for labor

Pregnancy is 9 months… which means 9 months of waiting for a crazy, beautiful, painful experience that is different from anything you’ve ever experienced before.  Without a doubt, you’ve heard the horror stories and asked Dr Google everything under the sun to the point of thoroughly freaking yourself the heck out. You may be asking, "What is labor like?," "How should I prepare for it?," and maybe even, "How do I use essential oils for labor?" Below, I aim to answer your questions regarding EO and labor, and help you feel empowered.

How to prepare when using essential oils for labor

I have been a Registered Nurse working in Labor & Delivery for the past 7 years at different hospitals and I’ve sure seen a lot.  In my first-hand experience, I have found that labor and birth is unique to each woman, and no two births are the same.  So no matter what you read or what your mom friends tell you, just remember that.  YOUR LABOR & BIRTH ARE UNIQUE.  No matter how you picture your birth story going, just know that ultimately, much of it is out of your control.  Baby determines the course of action!

essential oils for labor

Snapshot of a presentation I attended on the efficacy of essential oil for labor at The Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) annual national convention

I attended The Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) annual national convention last spring.  AWHONN is an organization that promotes the health of [pregnant] women & newborns. While there, I was able to attend a session with Susan Lewis, a Certified Nurse Midwife and Ayurvedic Practitioner, with a Master’s in Nursing. Furthermore, she has done extensive research in East Asia on Essential Oils, which is considered a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approach in pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and obstetrical issues.  It was an incredible experience to learn what the latest evidence based research shows.  Therefore, I am excited to share what I learned, and will focus on using essential oils for labor and postpartum.

My biggest takeaways concerning the evidence based research on essential oils for labor was that they:

  • Are Generally safe

  • Reduce Labor Duration

  • Reduce Labor Pain

So why not give them a try?!?

Essential Oils Used for Labor

  • Assists in Uterine Function AKA Contractions:

    • Oil:  Clary Sage

    • How To Use:  Dilute with carrier oil and massage onto belly

  • Ease Labor Pain:

    • Oils:  Clary Sage, Chamomile, Lavender, Rosa demascena

    • How To Use:  Dilute with carrier oil and massage into belly

  • Relaxation and Anti-anxiety in the 1st Stage of Labor:

    • Oils:  Lavender, Geranium, Orange 

    • How To Use:  Diffuse, apply to vitaflex points, wrists, neck

essential oils for labor

My husband applying Essential Oils for labor in a roller bottle to the bottoms of my feet when I was in labor.

Essential Oils Used for

  • Postpartum Depression:

    • Oils:  Rose, Citrus Oils (Lemon, Orange, Bergamot, Grapefruit) specifically Lavender 

    • How It Works:  Lavender decreases fatigue; improves infant bonding; decreases anxiety, stress, and depression

    • How To Use:  Diffuse into the air.  Inhale directly or applied to hands, tissue, or cotton wick.  Dilute as necessary and apply to temple or forehead.  Dilute with carrier oil and massage into skin.  Add 1-3 drops to warm bathwater before bathing.

  • Postpartum Pain/Perineal Healing:

    • Oils:  Lavender, Clary Sage, Rose

    • How It Works:  All 3 decrease uterine cramping with abdominal massage and act as local anesthetics

    • How To Use:  Adding Lavender EO to sitz bath daily for 10 days post delivery reduces pain and redness.  Dilute with carrier oil and massage into skin.

  • Postpartum Sleep Quality: 

    • Oil:  Lavender

    • How To Use:  Diffuse into the air.  Inhale directly or applied to hands, tissue, or cotton wick.  Dilute with carrier oil and massage into skin.  Add 1-3 drops to warm bathwater before bathing.

  • Postpartum Stress:

    • Oil:  Petigrain 

    • How It Works:  Balances sympathetic & parasympathetic systems, improves work performance, and reduces stress

    • How To Use:   Diffuse into the air.  Inhale directly or applied to hands, tissue, or cotton wick.

  • Post-Cesarean Section:

    • Oil:  Lavender

    • How It Works:  Successful and safe complementary therapy for reducing pain at 30 min, 8 hours, and 16 hours post C/S

    • How To Use:  Dilute as necessary and apply around affected area.

Essential Oils Used for Lactation

  • Increase Milk Production:  

    • Oils:  Clary Sage, Fennel, Basil

    • How To Use:  Apply above breasts on lymph area and on spine at breast level

  • Reduce Milk Production:

    • Oils:  Peppermint, Jasmine

    • How To Use:  Apply with cold compress over breasts.

  • Sore Nipples:

    • Oil:  Roman Chamomile

    • How To Use:  Dilute as necessary and apply to affected area.

Lavender for Newborns

Lewis also shared some research done on Lavender EO use with newborns.  For example, she explained that studies found that infants bathed with Lavender scented bath oil looked at their mothers more, cried less, and spent more time in deep sleep after baths.  They also found that mothers who used Lavender EO on themselves and in their baby’s baths were more relaxed, smiled more, touched their babies more, and had lower cortisol levels.  COOL STUFF!

Take Aways

In conclusion, as a Nurse, I absolutely believe in the importance of modern medicine.  However, I also believe that if you have an option that’s safe and can minimize discomfort or need for medicine GO FOR IT.  In other words, EO use is COMPLEMENTARY to modern medicine.  NOT a replacement. Please keep this in mind as you use essential oils for labor.

So if you are interested in trying to help yourself by using essential oils for labor and recovery, while keeping you and your baby safe, I hope these suggestions help you do just that!  If you are just getting started with EOs, this post may have triggered a lot of questions - such as how to use oils, which brands of EO are best, where to get quality EOs, etc.  To emphasize, the quality of the oils is VERY important for a number of different reasons.  For this reason, poor quality EO can be dangerous to you and your baby- and there are many poor quality EO brands out there!

To sum up, check out this post on the best oils to use! And while you are awaiting labor, there are so many pregnancy symptoms essential oils can help with! You can also check out this post to find cool EO accessories, such as diffusers and jewelry, that may help you with your pregnancy and labor. Blessings to you and your baby!



**I’m not your doctor and this is not a medical recommendation, oils are meant to provide relief, so please, always discuss EO use with your doctor/midwife before using them during pregnancy**


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