Vitaflex Points - What They Are + 6 Best Ways to Incorporate Essential Oils

vitaflex points

What are Vitaflex Points?

Vitaflex is an ancient Tibetan Healing Technique that means “vitality of the reflexes." This practice uses pressure points on specific parts of the body to benefit others. The idea is that applying slight pressure to these points, a therapeutic "electric charge" to the parts in need of help.

Picture an electric circuit. A connected circuit turns the light turns on when the switch is on. However, if there is interference within that circuit, the light will not turn on, even when the switch is on. Similarly, these "electric circuits" run all over our bodies. Therefore, understanding Vitaflex Points is a safe, non-evasive way to "switch on" our body's "lights."

Though often overlooked by Western medicine, Vitaflex points can be a missing piece to providing comfort and DIY therapy for numerous body complaints. To assist, you can use a Vitaflex chart, to learn how to use your fingers to massage specific pressure points tied to other parts of your body.

vitaflex points

Diagram of Vitaflex Points - Bottom of Feet

vitaflex points

Diagram of Vitaflex Points - Tops of Feet

Diagram of Vitaflex Points - Palms of Hands

Think about it...

Have you ever had a headache, only to realize that the tension in your shoulders seems to be the cause? Or, maybe you're like me, and primarily hold your baby with your left arm, and as a result, get a tight spot in your back. This is because everything in our bodies is connected. We have much more than just skin and muscle and bones in our bodies. We have:

3 main layers of skin:

  • Epidermis

  • Dermis

  • Subcutaneous

Fascia- connective tissue that surrounds every structure inside our bodies

3 types of muscles:

  • Cardiac

  • Smooth

  • Skeletal

  • Ligaments- connects bone to bone

  • Tendon- attaches muscle to bone

  • Organs

As you can see, all of these components work in harmony to hold our bodies in place and function smoothly.

What are the Benefits of Vitaflex Technique?

There are numerous benefits of the Vitaflex Technique:

  • Non-invasive technique that can provide comfort and relief to body

  • Supports healthy body systems

  • Reduces stress and tension in the body

  • Intensifies body system support when combined with essential oils (see below)

What's the difference between Vitaflex and Reflexology?

Vitaflexand Reflexology are similar in how they link pressure points on the foot to other areas of the body. However, vitaflex massage technique can be applied almost anywhere, including the hands, scalp, face, and ears. In addition, Vitaflex is far more comprehensive, and most people find it more effective.

vitaflex points

Diagram 2 of Vitaflex Points on the feet

Take Vitaflex to the next level

Now, lets think back to the electric circuit analogy. As you remember, so many connections throughout our bodies, adding essential oils to Vitaflex points can increase the benefits tenfold! When you massage Therapeutic Grade essential oils into Vitaflex points, you drive the oils into the corresponding reflex points. Therefore, this is a very effective way to deliver the benefits of essential oils throughout the body.

How do I use essential oils on Vitaflex points?

"Rolling and Releasing" is the most effective way to apply oils to Vitaflex points.

  • Place the essential oil on your fingertip

  • Place your fingertips flat on the skin at the desired vitaflex point

  • Roll up onto fingertips and onto tips of nails using medium pressure

  • Slide the hand forward 1/2 inch

  • Continue repeating rolling and release technique until the entire vitaflex area is covered

Vitaflex points and Essential Oils

Here are some examples of how you can gain the greatest benefit from your essential oils use:


  • Clary Sage & Jasmine on inner ankles during labor to assist in contractions (see my post on Essential Oils & Labor)


  • Clary Sage & Marjoram on inner and outer ankles


  • Peppermint & Ginger on arches of feet, and bases of left thumbs


  • Eucalyptus at base of thumb nails, base of middle 3 fingers & toes, arches of feet, tops of toes


  • Peppermint & Ginger on bottoms of feet between heels & arches, palms of hands, inside of shin from knee to ankle


  • Vetiver, Cedarwood, Frankincense on bottoms of big toes


As you can see, applying essential oils to vitaflex points can increase the benefits of the oils. When you understand how your body is connected, you can learn to work with it. In summary, think of your body as a whole system that works together, vs. separate parts!




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